Sheepskin sister trail receives needed attention

A collaboration between the city of Uniontown and South Union Township is currently underway to improve the Rotary Walk (Rotary Club of Uniontown) that travels through both communities.

Future plans include connecting the Rotary Walk and Sheepskin Trail, increasing the availability of recreational and active transportation options in the greater Uniontown area.

Read more in the Herald Standard (may require subscription).


Press Release: Sheepskin Trail Continues to Develop

The Fayette County Commissioners were joined by many officials, volunteers, and partner organizations this morning to break ground on the Point Marion Segment Project of the Sheepskin Trail.  Construction of this segment, the southernmost of the trail, will complete 1.7 miles of the Sheepskin Trail beginning at the West Virginia border, north through Springhill Township, and into Point Marion Borough to the Cheat River.  Following its completion, the Point Marion Segment Project will provide a direct connection to the 48-mile Mon River Trail System in West Virginia.