There are several ways that you can help build the Sheepskin Trail!


  • Follow the Sheepskin Trail on Facebook

  • Receive our newsletter (coming soon!)

  • Attend Friends of the Sheepskin Trail meetings and other Sheepskin Trail events

    • Join in the fun! We appreciate your attendance, actions, and support.

  • Spread the word -- reach out to your family, friends, and community!

    • Inform everyone you know and meet about the Sheepskin Trail and what it means to you! Invite them to Friends meetings, share Facebook posts and news articles, and get them on the Trail! Your voice and personal connections are powerful tools for building this trail!

  • Get some gear!

    • Get some great Sheepskin Gear during one of our regular production runs.

  • Reach out to local officials

    • Let your local officials -- County Commissioners, City/Borough council members, Township supervisors, State Representatives and Senators, and more -- know what their support of the Sheepskin Trail means to you and your community! Knowing they have a base of enthusiastic supporters makes their jobs easier and their efforts more effective.

    • Ways to reach your officials

      • Attend municipal meetings and advocate for the Sheepskin Trail

      • Email / call them

      • Chat with them about the Sheepskin Trail when you see them in public

  • Use it!

    • Using the Sheepskin Trail’s current segments is one of the easiest (and most fun!) ways to show your support. A large base of regular Sheepskin Trail users sends the strongest message to our leaders and community at-large that we value the Sheepskin Trail’s presence, continued growth, and contributions to the communities we call home.

    • Ways to use the trail

      • Walk, bike, run on the Sheepskin Trail when you have the chance

      • Organize events on the trail (be sure to follow any municipal guidelines and requirements):

        • Races (walk, run, etc.) for charity or fun

        • Casual or formal group walks and exercise activities

        • Nature walks (bird watching, tree/plant identification, etc.)

      • Commute to your job

  • Lend your talents

    • Do you have maintenance, writing, graphic design, audiovisual skills, technical skills, etc.? Whatever you’re good at, there’s probably a way that skill can be used to help move the Sheepskin Trail forward. Want to help? We’ll see you at the next Friends meeting!